Biking Whistler Valley Trail

The Valley Trail in Whistler is a beautiful 46km network of multi-use trails that connect the major neighborhoods, parks, and lakes of the resort municipality. It’s mostly paved, car free, and all the intersections with roads are controlled by traffic light. It has gentle rolling sections, which is just the right amount of challenging to be fun for our 4 year old biker.

We’ve biked the Valley Trail on several occasions, and it’s always a great time.

September 2022

We came to camp at Cal Cheak for the first time, and biked the Valley Trail from the Village, around Whistler Village Golf Course, took a detour to Rainbow Park and back. Big Bro was almost 5, and he kept up like a champ. Middle Bro (2.5 y/o) was still using the bike as a balance bike. He got tired mid way through and had to turn back. 8km loop.

Bikers: Billy with Baby Bro, Big Bro (Woom 3), Middle Bro (Woom 2, pedals off as balance bike)

Arriving at Rainbow Park

October 2023

Having had a great success the previous year, we returned to Cal Cheak for another Whistler biking trip. Big Bro, now almost 6, biked the Lost Lake single track trails with me first, before rejoining Tina and the rest of the gang for a ride on the Valley Trail half way up to Green Lake. 7km return.

This time, Middle Bro (3.5 year old) kept pace exceptionally well.

Bikers: Billy with Baby Bro, Tina, Big Bro (almost 6 y/o) on Woom 4, and Middle Bro (3.5 y/o) on Woom 2.

June 2024

We had a chance to stay with our friends Jenny and Jimmy’s family near Alta Lake in Whistler Creekside. We first met up at Green Lake and biked around a little bit with our friends.

The Valley Trail here presented some grand views of Green Lake and the seaplanes.

After a kilometer or so of biking, the rest of the party was ready to go back to Creekside. But I had the brilliant idea of biking all the way there, which was about 10km. I have full confidence in Big Bro, who already biked more than 20km with me last year. But I was super impressed when Middle Bro announced he was joining us too, without a hint of hesitation!

Bikers: Billy, Big Bro (6.5 y/o on Woom 4), Middle Bro (4 y/o on Woom 3).

We rode through some pockets of heavy rain, but the bikers showed real grit and took it with a smile.

Whistler Golf Course

After biking past 3 lakes, 2 golf courses, and most of the major neighborhoods in Whistler, we finished our 13km bike ride and arrived at Creekside. What an accomplishment!

Biking on the Valley Trail is always a treat any time outside snow season. It showcases some of the best locations that Whistler Valley has to offer. Being paved and insulated from traffic, it’s also a fantastic choice for kids.

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