Tag: sunshine coast

  • Paddle Camping in Sechelt Inlet

    Paddle Camping in Sechelt Inlet

    Since our successful, even transformative paddle camping trip to Indian Arm, Johnny and I have been eager to go again. We narrowed our destinations down to two options: Pitt Lake and Sechelt Inlet. After doing ample research on both, and watching the forecasts for weather and air quality like hawks, we finally settled on Sechelt…

  • Camping and Paddling at Porpoise Bay Provincial Park

    Camping and Paddling at Porpoise Bay Provincial Park

    Quick Facts: Sunshine Coast is a quick 40 min ferry ride away from Metro Vancouver, but it has a very nice laid-back Island vibe. Taking the ferry also somehow makes the trip feel more like a vacation on a psychological level. With easing COVID 19 restrictions in BC, we went on a 3-night camping trip…